NameMrs. Christina (Van Bibber) 
Birthabt 1640, Krefeld, (Germany), Holland
Death4 Sep 1711, Cecil Co., Maryland
Birthabt 1630, Krefeld, (Germany), Holland
DeathSep 1705, Cecil Co., Maryland
Marriageabt 1660, Probably Krefeld, (Germany), Holland
Notes for Mrs. Christina (Van Bibber)
died 4 sep 1706 in Bohemia Manor, Cecil Co., MD
Spouse & Children* Siblings* Symbol Key
- Lisbet Isaacs Van Bibber
- Margaryte Van Bibber
- Deborah Van Bibber
- Isaacs Jacob Van Bibber
- Matthias Jacobs Van Bibber
- Henrick Van Bebber
Notes for Jacob Isaacs (Spouse 1)
Death date unknown as records show both 1705 and 1711. Unsure which is correct. He was a Mennonite. Settled in/near Germantown, PA. He was in this town in 1684. He moved to Philadelphia before 1698. His wife's name was CHRISTINA and she died on Sep 4, 1711. Source: papers obtained from MILDRED McCRACKEN - titled "Van Bebber File". Additional children were: Unknown Daughter; MARGARET; MATHTHIAS JACOBS; HENDRICK (HENRY).