NameFergus Lord of Galloway 
Birthabt 1090, Galloway, Scotland
Death1161, Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Scotland
Burial12 May 1166, Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, Edinburghshire, Scotland
OccupationPrince And Lord of Galloway
Alias/AKAKing of Galloway;
Birthabt 1095, Talby, Yorkshire, England
Marriageabt 1124, Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland
Notes for Fergus Lord of Galloway
Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (38:24), (121B:26). Weis does not identify his parents.
SP says that Fergus is the first lord or prince of Galloway on record (p.135). SP knows of no ancestry for Fergus. He is first mentioned on 7 July 1136 as a witness to a charter of David I. He died in 1161 at Holyrood Abbey as a monk (p.136).
Fergus, Prince of and Lord of Galloway, flourished in the reign of DAVID I (RIN 1908). He became a canon regular in the abbey of Holyroodhouse. Left two sons, Gilbert, ancestor of the Earls of Carrick, and UCHTRED. He was one of the boyhood companions of DAVID I, taken to England as a boy by DAVID's sister MATILDA (RIN 790) when she married KING HENRY I (RIN 789). He was of the line of Galloway princes or native rulers. He married ELIZABETH, natural daughter of HENRY I, and sister of Sibilla, who married Alexander I, brother of DAVID." Afreca, his daughter by this union, became the wife of Olave and the mother of Godfrey, kings of Man and the Isles. At some remote era the lord of Galloway became dependant upon the king of Scotland, and Fergus, the first known prince of the province, was an attendant on certain state occasions at the royal court, whilst he acknowledged the superiority of his contemporary DAVID by the payment of a certain tribute in time of peace, and by a contingent of turbulent soldiery in war; resembling, in other respects, an ally rather than a vassal, and enjoying a considerable degeee of independence within his hereditary dominions.
Note 2:
E. William Robertson, _Scotland under her Early Kings_ (Edinburgh, 1862), pp. 356-357: "At some remote era the Lord of Galloway became dependant upon the king of Scotland, and Fergus, the first known prince of the province, was an attendant on certain state occasions at the royal court, whilst he acknowledged the superiority of his contemporary David by the payment of a certain tribute in time of peace, and by a contingent of turbulent soldiery in war; resembling, in other respects, an ally rather than a vassal, and enjoying a considerable degeee of independence within his hereditary dominions. He married Elizabeth, a natural daughter of Henry the First, and Afreca, his daughter by this union, became the wife of Olave and the mother of Godfrey, kings of Man and the Isles. [note: _Chron. St. Crucis_ 1160. The names of Fergus and his son, Uchtred, occur amongst the witnesses to the grant of Perdeyc on the 7th July 1136. _Reg. Glasg._, No. 3, 7."
another sourse says died 12 MAY 1166
Crest: A mound, bespread with the rays of the sun Proper embraced between two corn-ears saltire, and ensigned with a crosslet Or
* Motto: Higher
* Supporters: Two eagles volant Proper
Notes for Elizabeth (Spouse 1)
aka: Elisabeth (Joan ) of Gloucester
some sources say her mother was: Matilda "Atheling" Princess of Scotland