NameJohn Garnett
Birthabt 1648, Gloucester, Virginia
Death12 Nov 1703, Essex Co., Virginia
FatherJohn Garnett (~1625-1703)
ChildrenThomas (~1679-1743)
Notes for John Garnett
Another Source says:
Name: John Garnett
Given Name: John
Surname: Garnett
Birth: Abt 1648 in Elizabeth City, Virginia, America
Death: After 12 Nov 1703 in Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co., Virginia
79Note: GARNETT, John [1648-1704/9] John GARNETT is the earliest GARNETT from whom a direct descent can be traced for the GARNETTs of colonial Virginia. He is th ought to have been the son of an earlier John GARNETT and it is assumed that he was born in Elizabeth City. The date of his birth in some sources has bee n placed as early as 1648 and as late as 1652. John GARNETT moved to Glouces ter County in about 1669. To John GARNETT [either this John GARNETT or his fa ther who was also named John GARNETT] was granted 260 acres of land lying o n the south side of Garden Creek in Gloucester County by the Governor Thomas Lord Culpeper on April 16, 1683. The grant of land lay between the property of John Smither and John Digges [Grant Book 7, page 239]. Some 180 acres h ad been purchased by John GARNETT from Humphrey Roy [this is likely the same person whose surname is recorded elsewhere as Humphrey Coy and also as Humphr ey Till] on June 15, 1676 and the remaining 80 acres were given to him for t ransporting at his own cost into the Colony two persons, Elizabeth Tindal and Thomas Combs. In the Order Book of 1692-1695, on page 84, for Essex County th ere is recorded a deed by John Baker of Kingston Parish, Gloucester County to John GARNETT of said Parish and County, a planter. By this deed, John Bak er conveys to John Garnett 600 acres of land in Essex County, part of a tract commonly called Button's Range containing 3650 acres formerly granted to Tho mas Button by patent dated July 19, 1666. The land granted to Garnett extende d to "a small branch of Occupacon and from thence to a small branch of Gilson 's [?] in the Parish of Littonburne in the County of Essex [lately called by the name of Rappahannock County, on the south side of the Rappahonnock River about five miles back into the woods as by the above Button's Patent doth a ppear." This land transfer indicates that John Garnett had been one of the l ucky ones to survive a very difficult period in the history of the Virginia colony and had become one of the most prosperous planters of this early era. The deed of sale from John Baker to John Garnett is dated September 7, 1692 and the sale was concluded in consideration of 9000 pounds of tobacco in cas ks. The deed was admitted to record on November 10, 1692. Bond was given by John Baker to John Garnett in the sum of 18,000 pounds of good sweet-scented sound tobacco conditioned that John Baker would perform the covenants set out in his deed. [Order Book for 1692-1695, page 28, Essex County, recorded on N ovember 10, 1692] In the Quit Rent Roll of Gloucester in 1704, John GARNETT is listed as owning 250 acres. In a deed of June 8, 1709, recorded in the Esse x County Deed Book Number 13, page 225, the grantor, Thomas GARNETT of St. An ne's Parish, Essex, planter, is described as "one of the sons and devisees of John GARNETT, late of the Parish of Kingston, in the county of Gloucester" In consideration of the 3,500 pounds of tobacco Thomas Garnett conveys unto John Foster, 50 acres of land on the south side of the Rapphannock River, be ing part of the tract of 600 acres purchased by John GARNETT, deceased from J ohn Barker, lying on the Rappahannock River near Moseley's Quarter and more p articularly the said Thomas Garnett's share of the 150 acres which John GARNE TT had by his last will, dated November 12, 1703, given to his son, Anthony G ARNETT, who having died before he attained the age of twenty-one years, his s hare did then by right belong to the surviving children of the said John GARN ETT, of which the share of Thomas GARNETT was the 50 acres therein conveyed. The deed is witnessed by Salvator Muscoe and William Taylor. John GARNETT a ppears to have had four children: John, Thomas, and Anthony who died young, and another, probably a daughter, whose name is not known. Thomas GARNETT wh o made the deed of June 8, 1709, moved from Glo ... ??

1. John Garnett
2. Anthony Garnett
3. Thomas Garnett
4. Garnett
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