NameHugh de Montgomery 
Birthabt 985, St Germain Mntgm, Normandie, France
Notes for Hugh de Montgomery
Hugh MONTGOMERY (Seigneur de)
"Todd A. Farmerie" posted to on 09 Jan 1998
Subject: Re: Early Montgomery: Kathleen Thompson. The Norman Aristocracy before 1066: the Example of the Montgomerys. in Historical Research 60:251-63: "Robert de Torigny has Joscelina, daughter of Gunnor's sister Wevia, marrying Hugh, and mother of Earl Roger. This is contradicted by two early documents. One, a discussion of an impediment to marriage calls Joscelina daughter of Senfrida (another sister of Gunnor), and this is clearly correct. The second calls Earl Roger the son of another Roger, so some genealogists have solved the problem by making Joscelina the wife of this Roger (I) rather than Hugh. Thompson's solution, which is highly likely, is that Joscelina and Hugh had this Roger (I), who was in turn the father of Earl Roger."