NameRolf "the Ganger" (Robert-Rollo) Ragnvaldsson , 1st Duke de Normandie 
Birthabt 846, Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
DeathBET ABT 931 AND 942, Notre Dame, Rouen, Nornandie, Neustria
Death Memoage 96
Birthabt 872, Evreux, Neustria
Notes for Rolf "the Ganger" (Robert-Rollo) Ragnvaldsson , 1st Duke de Normandie
Born: 846
Acceded: 911
Died: 932
Rolf became known as Robert or Rollo in Normandy. I have shown them as father
and son, but this is really a way of showing how his attribution changed .
AKA Rolf Wend-a-Foot.
b. c. 860
d. c. 932also called ROLF, OR ROU, French ROLLON, Scandinavian rover who founded the duchy of Normandy.
Making himself independent of King Harald I of Norway, Rollo sailed off to raid Scotland, England, Flanders, and France on pirating expeditions and, about 911, established himself in an area along the Seine River. Charles III the Simple of France held off his siege of Paris, battled him near Chartres, and negotiated the treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, giving him the part of Neustria that came to be called Normandy; Rollo in return agreed to end his brigandage. He gave his son, William I Longsword, governance of the dukedom (927) before his death. Rollo was baptized in 912 but is said to have died a pagan.
b. 0846, Norway
d. 0942, Age: 96
Rolf "the Ganger" (Robert-Rollo) RAGNVALDSSON First Duke Of Normandy
Rollo Rognvaldsson
Notes for Poppa de Normandie (De Bayeux) De (Spouse 1)
Poppa Of Normandy (De Bayeux) De Valois, Duchess Of Normandy
Child 1: Normandy, William I LONGSWORD of, Duke of Normany 2nd
Child 2: , Robert of Corbeil, Count of Corbeil
Child 3: , Crespina
Child 4: , Gerletta
Child 5: , Kathlin
Child 6: , Adele of Normandy, b. ABT 917