NameEllen Whitehead 
Birth1607, Wayne Valley, Herefs, England
DeathBET ABT 1650 AND 1660, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusets
Alias/AKAEllen Prigg
another source: 1605 - bet. 1646-1702
Thomas first married Sarah Keeler, then Ellen Whitehead, then Joanna Baldwin, then Sarah Howes. He was the first of the Skidmore line to come to America. He made a total of three trans-Atlantic trips before settling in America in the Colony of Massachusetts. The family's name was alternately spelled Scudamore, Skydmore, Scidmore.
209i. John6 Skidmore, born April 11, 1643 in Cambridge, MA; died July 1680 in Jamaica, LI, NY.
ii. Thomas Skidmore, born 1620; died Bef. December 27, 1683.
iii. Jedidah Skidmore, born 1630; died Abt. 1658. She married Edward Higby.
iv. Dorthy Skidmore, born 1634; died April 1670. She married Hugh Griffin.
v. Grace Skidmore, born 1645. She married John Goulding.
vi. Joseph Skidmore, born 1647.
vii. Richard Skidmore, born 1637; died Aft. October 15, 1661.