NameHenry Small Brown

Birth12 Apr 1863, Marshfield, Polk Co., Missouri
Death1 Mar 1943, Macks Creek, Camden Co., Missouri
Burial6 Mar 1943, Macks Creek, Camden Co., Missouri
Burial Memocemetery
Birth24 Oct 1865, Morrisville, Polk Co., Missouri
Birth Memoanother source says b. Camden Co., Macks Creek, Missouri
Death20 Dec 1941, Camden Co., Macks Creek, Missouri
Burial21 Dec 1941, Macks Creek Cemetery, Macks Creek, Missouri
Marriage14 Nov 1883, Greenfield, Dade Co., Missouri
Marr Memoor (m. November 15, 1883)
Notes for Henry Small Brown
. . . living in Missouri at the time of his brother John F. Brown’s death in June of 1939.
From the book, "From Pawnee Bill to The Moon," by Chief Russell Sage Carter ....
" The Browns owned and operated the first led mines in the county, near Ash Grove, these Browns for three generations continued to dig in these mines for years. They would put out a crop, then about cultivating time, they would go back digging the mine, and let the weeds take the crop. They had a cave-in at one shaft one year, they dug and worked to dig it out as one of the young men was trapped in there, but finally gave up, just piled a few rocks at the entrance and said a prayer then went on home. Ray's body is still in that old mine."
Henry Small Brown was a full blooded Cherokee
98 [I’m not so sure about whether he was FULL Cherokee . . . I believe he was half Cherokee, at most ... note by Craig Snyder]
Notes for Alice Belle (Spouse 1)
Census reports "Alice Bell" as "May Belle".