NameEve “Barbara” (Boots)
Birthabt 1733, Germany
Deathaft 1808, Hardy Co., (W) Virginia
Birth5 Nov 1733, Mangaborhn, Germany
Death18 Aug 1803, Hardy Co. (now Grant Co.), (W) Virginia
BurialNorth Mill Creek Lutheran Church, Dorcas, (W) Virginia
Burial Memoprobably buried here
ReligionEvangelical Lutheran Church
ChildrenMary (~1764-~1826)
 Garrett (1765-1819)
 Adam (1767-1839)
 Barbara (1770-1800)
 John (1773-1792)
 Martin A. (1777-1842)
 Eve (~1779-)
 George (~1780-<1803)
Notes for Eve “Barbara” (Boots)
aka: “Barbary”
another source:
Barbara (AFN:18VM-NG7)
Born:  4 Mar 1770 Place:  , , , Germany
Died:  31 Jul 1800 Place:  , Hardy, Virginia
Notes for Hans Adam (Spouse 1)
Adam Stieffel [or Adam Boots], born in (?? perhaps Wuerttemberg??), Germany in 1733, died on August 18, 1803 in Hardy County (now Grant County), West Virginia. He was probably buried at the North Mill Creek Lutheran Church, Dorcas, West Virginia. He married Barbara _____, who probably died after 1808. He was a farmer and a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He lived in Hardy County and probably also in Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania.
He came to America when nineteen years of age. The Pennsylvania German Pioneer (vol. 2, pg. 601) shows Hans Melchior Stieffel and Hans Adam Stieffel as passengers on the ship "Phoenix" November 2, 1752. Records of the old Mill Creek Lutheran Church (now in the vault of the Lutheran Church in Petersburg, West Virginia) indicate that among those attending communion service on March 21, 1799 were Adam Stieffel, Sr.; Adam Stieffel, Jr.; Rebecca Stieffel, frau; Elizabeth Stieffel, frau; and Marte (Martin?) Stieffel. Rebecca and Elizabeth were probably the wives of Adam Sr. and Jr.
The name Stieffel in German is the same as Boots in English and Adam changed to the English spelling about 1801. Adam and Garrett Stieffel witnessed the will of Valentine Post on December 10, 1800 and a few months later Adam Boots witnessed the will of Sebastine Hagler.

“There is a Johann(Hans) Adam Stiefel in the German IGI at the Family History Center. His birthday is the same as our Adam Stieffel. His father is Jerg Leonhard Stiefel, mother is Ursula Theess. Jerg's father is Michael Stiefel, mother Barbara Noller.”?????
The last name of Stieffel is German, I was told by family members that the name translates to Boots in English. Hans Adam Boots was born Nov. 5, 1733 in Mangaborhn, Germany. I have never found where the town is located. From records at the LDS Library, I believe it to be in Wurtemburg. He came to America in 1752 on the ship Phoenix. He took the oath of allegiance in Philadelphia when he arrived, & lived in that area for a short time, then moving to what is now Hardy Co., West Virginia. He changed his name to Boots sometime around 1800.445 [Posted by: Carol Anderson in genforum]

I have found that Adam and George Boots were in the Washington Co., MD Militia 1776-1778. Adam was listed on the 1784 Washington Co.,MD tax assessment list. They apparently left MD about 1784 along with Henry and Michael Alt and went to Hardy Co., VA.446

447Will of Adam Boots
(Born Hans Adam Stieffel)
As recorded in Will Book 1, page 265, Hardy County, Virginia

IN THE NAME OF GOD AN, I, Adam Boots, of the County of Hardy and being weak and sick but of Perfect Mind and Memory, thanks be given to God, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, taht is to say Principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a christian mannerat the discretion of my Executors nothing (?) but at the general resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of it in the following manner and form. First. I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Garret boots the lower part of the plantation whereon I now live including up to Mill Creek to Coopers Mill Road in a square line crop (across?) which I freely give unto him his heirs forever.

Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Adam Boots the upper part of my plantation above mentioned including down Mill Creek to the said Coopers Mill Road aforesaid which I freely give unto him and his heirs forever and I desire that my two sons namely Garret and Adam pay unto my son Martin Boots the sum of fifty poundss part out of the land to be paid after my death and I futher desire that the said Garret and Adam Boots pay unto my daugher Mary Ault's children, namely Elizabeth Ault, Mary Ault, Susannah Ault, Michael Ault, Jacob Ault and Barbery Ault the sum of 300 pounds each aftr my death and as they become of age and I futher desire that the said Garret and Adam pay unto my son George Boots Children the sum of 500 pounds each after my death and as they become of ageand do nominate and appoint my beloved wife Barbary and my son Adam Boots Executor and Executrix of this last will and testament and I do utterly disallow revoke and disannul all and every other forever testament will legacies bequeaths me in any wise before willed and bequeathed, ratifying and conforming (confirming?) this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of April 1802.
Sealed signed and acknowledged in the presence of us
Adam Boots (Seal)
(Seal) Conrod Carr
(Seal) Leonard Hagler

Adam and Barbara Boots had eight children: Garrett , Adam, Jr., Barbara, John, Martin, Mary, George and Eve448

Stieffel (Boots)
Last Modified 13 Aug 2006Created 8 Mar 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh