NameSarah Stearns 
Birthabt 1753, Greenbrier Co., (W) Virginia
Deathabt 1820, Pendleton Co., (W) Virginia214
Alias/AKASarah Sterns; Starnes
Birthabt 1749, Greenbrier Co., (W) Virginia
Deathabt 1820, Pendleton Co., (W) Virginia214
Marriageabt 1770, Pendleton Co., (W) Virginia
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
580John Nelson Land Patents in Pendleton County, Virginia taken from Pendleton Co., GenWeb website (now West Virginia) and from Library of Virginia online file of Land Office Patents & Grants ( 29 Nov 1793: 169 acres at South Branch ref. 1:102 On the east side of the north fork of the south branch of Potomack and adjoining on the west side of Summerfield's land at the Moser Lick. Grants 29, p.556. 20 Mar 1795: 68 acres at Five Lick Gap ref. 1:183 On the east side of the north fork of the south branch of Potowmack in a gap called the Five Lick Gap and adjoining Robert Manasses land. Grants 31, p. 424. 11 Mar 1799: 180 acres at North Fork ref. 1:491On the east side of the north fork and adjoining on the north side of James Cunningham's land and opposite Roert Minness land. Grants 41, p. 102. 23 Dec 1799: 30 acres at Maser Lick ref. 1:540 Above the Moser Lick Gap adjoining his own and Joseph Summerfield's Land. Grants 43, p. 134.
Note: Owned land in "Nelson Gap", Pendleton Co.(VA/WV), and four of seven farms, which originally were one, and are still owned by Nelson heirs. This is according to Pendleton Co., WV Court House records.