NameNathan Boone Goe

Birthabt 1787
Notes for Nathan Boone Goe
The Cabin
This cabin was built by Nathan Goe in the early 1840s. Nathan was Daniel Boone's grandson. Dorcas Goe (Nathan's daughter) was probably born in it and spent most of her life there. It was moved from Eastern Kentucky to Del Rio Tennessee. Here's some history. During the 1780s, Daniel Boone (1734-1820), his wife Rebecca, and his family was traveling in the Kentucky River area of Lee Co. and camping at Old Landing. It was here that his daughter, Rebecca Boone (1768-1805) at a young age married Phillip Goe (1767-1805) who was with his family and traveling with the Boone Group. Their second child, Nathan Goe (1791-1862) married Elizabeth Frame (1800-1882) in 1822. They lived in the old landing area and then later moved to Winchester. Both are buried at the Goe cemetery near the cabin's original site, which was called The Homeplace. Philip and Rebecca stayed close to Daniel all his life however Daniel once said that Philip had drunk away the fortune he had given him. It was Nathan and Elizabeth who built the cabin around 1840. Their youngest daughter, Dorcas Goe (1842-1916) married Gideon Ashcroft (1838-1902) in about 1860 and they lived in the cabin for their entire lives. The 1880 census shows Gideon, Dorcas, 3 daughters, Elizabeth Goe (mother in law), a boarder and a servant - all living in the cabin. Gideon made and sold moonshine for a living and has quite a history around Lee County. There were a series of caverns that ran under the cabin and came out in back. Gideon had built a shed over the entrance to the cave and had a hidden trap door in it to access his storage of shine. When the cabin was taken down, the trap door, parts of the shed and parts of the moonshine still were found underneath. When the revenuers tried to catch him he would disappear into the caves. Entering the cave through the back entrance revealed a narrow shaft about 20 feet long dropping into several large rooms, a drop-off and an underground stream. Dorcas and Gideon are buried on the hill above the what was the old Cabin site.