NameCol. Alphonso D. Boone
Birth7 Nov 1796647
Death1 Feb 1850, Long's Bar, Butte Co., California
Death MemoAlphonso died at Long's Bar of an illness contracted in the gold fields.;died “of the fever”
FatherJesse Bryan Boone (1773-1820)
MotherChloe Van Bibber (1772-1821)
ChildrenChloe Donnally (~1822-1909)
 Jesse Van Bibber (1824-1872)
 Mary Elizabeth (1825-1907)
 George Luther (1826-1910)
 Joshua Morris (1833-1863)
 Alphonso Daniel (1837-1915)
 Lucy Ann (1835-)
Notes for Col. Alphonso D. Boone
BOONE, Alphonso D. [probably Daniel] (1796-1849): m'd 1822 BOONE, Nancy Linville; s/o Jesse and Chloe (VanBibber) Boone; g-grandson of Daniel and Rebecca (Bryan) Boone; "when they reached a canyon the family cached their goods (including Daniel Boones compass and surveying instruments) and waded about twelve miles through the water and over big boulders. The emigrants went back the next spring but the Indians had found the things cached and there was nothing left. They packed one oxen with clothing and got into the Willamette Valley at the crossing of Mary's river on Christmas day. "; went to CA mines in 1849 and drowned in Feather River Canyon, CA 28 Nov 1849; wife had died (1838) in MO as had five children; established Boone's Ferry which continued to run for 107 years (it was taken out of service in 1954 when a bridge was built across the Willamette).

Pioneer Family of the Month
February, 1998

Boones Ferry Road is one of the busiest roads in the Portland area, but not many modern residents are aware that there once actually was a ferry on Boones Ferry Road -- and fewer still know that the Boone in question was a descendant of the one and only Daniel Boone.

The branch of the Boone family that emigrated to Oregon was led by Daniel's grandson, Alphonso Boone. Moving west seems to have run in the family, as Alphonso "westered" at least three times in his life. In 1841, he set up shop in Independence, Missouri, outfitting fur traders and caravans on the Santa Fe Trail. From 1843 to '45, Alphonso cashed in on a new source of business: emigrants bound for Oregon and California. In 1846, Alphonso headed west with seven of his children, his sister Panthea Boone Boggs, and her husband Lilburn W. Boggs, former governor of Missouri.

The Boones jumped off from Westport, Missouri, where Alphonso's brother, Albert Gallatin Boone, ran his own a general store catering to the overland trade. The Boones with their eleven wagons joined a California-bound wagon train which they expected to stay with to Fort Hall or thereabouts. Traveling in the same train were several people whose names are still known to historians, including Edwin Bryant, J. Quinn Thornton, T. H. Jefferson, George Law Curry, and George Donner and family.

Alphonso Boone's brother-in-law, Lilburn Boggs, wanted to be captain of the train, but he lost the election by a landslide to one William H. Russell. Dissatisfaction with the leadership of Captain Russell was widespread, however, and he complained that:

My duties as commandant are troublesome beyond anything I could conceive of. I am annoyed with all manner of complaints, one will not do this, and another has done something that must be atoned for, and occasionally, through variety, we have a fight among ourselves... I sometimes get out of patience myself, and once I threw up my commission, but to my surprise...I was again unanimously re-elected...

- William H. Russell, June 13, 1846

A week or two later at Ash Hollow, Russell resigned again, and the wagon train broke up into small groups for the remainder of the journey. These parties, including the Boones, remained loosely associated with one another, often exchanging members, banding together, and splitting up again as the days wore on.

The Boones reached South Pass on July 18, and two days later they encountered a lone horseman from the west urging emigrants to try a new, shorter route to California being promoted by Lansford W. Hastings. Led by George Donner, about twenty wagons from the Russell train turned off to follow this new route into the history books.

On August 8, at Fort Hall, the Boones met a man promoting another new route, this one leading to Oregon's Willamette Valley instead of California. Panthea Boone Boggs and her husband struck out for California, while Alphonso Boone decided to take a chance on the new road to Oregon, known as the Southern Route or the Applegate Trail.

This proved to be a mistake. The Applegate Trail was a hard road through difficult terrain with limited access to water. To make matters worse, the Indians of southern Oregon and northern California were extremely hostile to the overlanders. While they didn't stage a full-blown attack on the emigrants, they frequently harassed them by shooting arrows at their livestock and stealing from their wagons. Indians opportunistically attacked and killed two overlanders who got separated from the groups they were traveling with.

As winter weather set in and threatened to strand the travelers on the Applegate Trail, the emigrants began throwing away everything they could in order to lighten the load for their exhausted, footsore oxen. They cached their valuables in hope of being able to return for them later, but the Indians dug up and stole all but a few items of clothing. The Boones lost everything that they couldn't carry out of the mountains on their backs, including a compass and surveying instruments that had once belonged to Daniel Boone himself.

It was Christmastime when the Boones finally reached the settlements in the Willamette Valley. In the spring of 1847, Alphonso moved his family upriver and claimed 1000 acres across the Willamette from present-day Wilsonville. The Boones established a ferry on an old Indian trail running from Salem and the French Prairie area to the newly established city of Portland, offering a more direct route than going by way of Oregon City. They improved the trail by laying down a "corduroy road" of split tree trunks to get wagons through the muddiest stretches, and it grew into a major thoroughfare. Legend has it that their road was a hotbed for moonshiners, who operated stills hidden in hollows and glens nearby and used the road to transport their product to town. Alphonso made a point of operating his ferry 24 hours a day for the convenience of his customers, which may have had something to do with the number of illegal distilleries operating along his road...

One of the Boones' neighbors was George Law Curry, who knew the family from the Oregon Trail and had taken a shine to Alphonso's eldest daughter, Chloe. George courted Chloe by canoe, paddling up and down the river to pay regular visits until she consented to marry him. He later became the third and last governor of the Oregon Territory, in office from 1854-59.

When word of the gold strikes in California reached Oregon in 1848, Alphonso and his boys headed south to make their fortune. On February 1, 1850, Alphonso died at Long's Bar of an illness contracted in the gold fields. Though they lost their father, the Boone brothers did well in the mines, and Alphonso's sons gradually dispersed across the Northwest with their fortunes assured: Jesse returned to Oregon and ran the ferry for 26 years, until he was murdered by a neighbor in a dispute over access to the river; Alphonso (junior) briefly ran the ferry before selling it to Jesse and going into the steamboat business; Joshua settled in Benton County, Oregon; and James moved to Idaho and ran the Morning Star Silver Mine.

The only son of Alphonso Boone who didn't accompany him to Oregon was George Luther Boone. Many years later, he told his story to fellow Oregon Trail emigrant Eva Emery Dye:

When I was twelve years old, my mother died; and Father, Col. Alphonso Boone, named for an old Spanish friend of his Grandfather Daniel, moved us up to Jefferson City, where he opened a trading post to outfit caravans for the Oregon Trail. My father's sister, Aunt Panthea, the wife of Governor Boggs, lived in a fine house next to the Missouri state capitol. ... When Father moved to Independence near Kansas City I struck out on the plains as a trapper working for my Uncle Albert Gallatin Boone, agent for the Kaw and Cheyenne Indians. ...

In the early Spring of 1846 when my Father, Colonel Alphonso Boons, with his large family of boys and girls set out on the Oregon Trail, I was absent on a trading trip to the Arapahoes and Cherry Creek where Denver was yet to be. With my mouse-colored mules I was carrying trading goods for Uncle Albert into the farther Rocky Mountain wilds.

By midsummer, with goods sold out and three wagon-loads of furs for Uncle Albert, I returned to Westport to find my folks gone and Colonel Doniphan there recruiting for the Mexican War. ... Selling my mules to the government I was mustered in at Fort Leavenworth and was soon on the march for Santa Fe.

- George L. Boone

George was honorably discharged in 1847 and led a wagon train across the plains the following spring to join his family in Oregon. In 1849, he went to find his father and brothers in California, made some money shipping freight, and returned to Oregon to settle down in 1852.

The ferry established by Alphonso Boone in 1847 operated continuously for 107 years. It was finally shut down in 1954 after the completion of a highway bridge adjacent to the ferry crossing.

End of the Oregon Trail

another source says: d. 1 Feb 1850

649The Boone Family Emigrants of 1846
The branch of the Boone family that emigrated to Oregon was led by Daniel's Grandson, Alphonso Boone. Moving West seems to have run in the family, as Alphonso "westerned" at least three times in his life. In 1841, he set up shop in Independence, MO. outfitting fur traders and caravans on the Sante Fe Trail. From 1843 to 1845 he cashed in on a new source of business; emigrants bound for Oregon and California. in 1846 he headed West with 7 of his children, his Sister, Panthea Boone Boggs and her Husband, Liburn W. Boggs, former Govenor of Missouri.

The Boones with their eleven wagons joined a California bound wagon train which they expected to stay with to Fort Hall. Lilburn Boggs wanted to be the captain of the train, but he lost the election by a landslide to one, William H. Russell.

On August 8th at Fort Hall the Boones met a man promoting a new route, this one leading to Oregon's Willamette Valley. Boone decided to take a chance on the new road known as the Southern route or the Applegate Trail. This proved to be a mistake. The Indians were extremely hostile to the overlanders.

As winter set in and threatened to strand the travelers, the emigrants began throwing away everything they could to lighten their wagons. They cached everything of value in hope of returning later but the Indians dug up and stole everything but a few items of clothing. The Boone's lost everything that they couldn't carry out including a compass and surveying instruments belonging to Daniel Boone.

It was Christmas time when the Boones finally reached the settlements in the Willamette Valley. The Boones established a ferry on an old Indian trail.

When word of the gold strikes in California reached Oregon in 1848, Alphonso and his boys headed South to make their fortune in the gold fields.

On Feb. 1, 1850, Alphonso died at Long Bar's of an illness he contracted in the gold fields. The Ferry established by the Boones operated for 107 years, being shut down in 1954.
Notes for Nancy Linville (Spouse 1)
Nancy Linville Boone (died in 1837) m. Alphonso Boone (her second cousin) (after Nancy's death, Alphonso moved to Oregon in 1846)
Last Modified 31 Aug 2009Created 8 Mar 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh