NameThomas Willis 
Birthbet 1625/1628, Warwickshire, England
Death1662, Middlesex Co., Virginia
Marriage1654, Lancaster Co., Virginia
Notes for Thomas Willis
aka: Thomas Wyllis
!Va Magazine Vol 5 P249 Thomas Wyllys was a "sideman" of Lancaster Parish 1657. Pg 254 Katherine (Honeywood) Fleete M. William Henmrsh had a daug. Jane M. Richard Willis of Cambridgeshire had Issue: Thomas, Richard, William, Elizabeth.
I believe he came to America before 1650.
Lancaster County Deeds & Wills 1652-1657 Pg 153 7th Aug 1654. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents yt: RICH LEWIS of ye County of Lancaster doe bergaine & sell assigne & set over into possession, deliver one tract of land to me apertaining & belonginge as by my Pattent bearing date ye 19th of 9ber; 1653 unto THO; WILLIS & RICH; WATKINS in ye County of foresd their heirs Exrs. Admrs. & assignes forever the wthin land containeth three hundred acres beinge ye full () in ye sd Pattent mentioned & lyeinge upon ye S side of the Rapa; River upn ye head of BARTRAM OBARTS land begininge upon ye W:M:W: side of a PATH wch: goeth to NYEMCOCK CREEKE & extendinge WNW & WLY 240----------- MIDDLESEX CO. ORDER BK 1677-1680 P 115 KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I MARY WILLIS of RAPPA RIVER in ye County of MIDDX. WIDDOW, by and wth ye Consent of MATHEW BENTLEY of ye RIVER & County aforesd Shoemaker mine intended Husband doe now in ye tim of my WIDDOWHOOD give & dispose of unto my three Children RICHARD, JOHN & ELLINOR WILLIS -----Colonial Va Register - Standard pg 79 "House of Burgess" "Session of September 23, 1667- Lancaster: "Mr.WYLLIS" Souce: The County Records. Va. Colonial Abstract Vol. 1 pg 232 Tho Willis Wit deed Harwood to Sharpe. 26 June 1651 Lancaster to court ordered 1652.
Thomas Willis came to Virginia on the Speedwell in 1635. He was a sidesman in Lancaster Co. Va as per deed made 1657. He had land on what is known as York Ridge in 1653 and Thomas with William Willis had land in Gloucester Co. in 1665 on the upper branch of Grave Neck Creek Virginia.
Notes for Thomas Willis
(1) Sir Thomas Willis [this is the man who people claim is the Virginia immigrant], bp. 6 Sep. 1612, was aged 72 in 1684, when he gave information for the Visitation of Cambridge, and died 17 Nov. 1701, aged 87. He married Anne Wild, daughter and coheiress of Sir John Wildeby Anne Honeywood. He was created a Baronet 15 Dec. 1641, but his male issue eventually became extinct. His eldest son, Thomas, aged 2 in 1634, died without issue. (Sir Thomas had six sons and seven daughters.)
Notes for Mary (Spouse 1)
Marriage 1 Anne (Mary) WILD ???? b: 1638
Marriage 1 Mary BENTLEY ???? b: ABT. 1633 in Virginia
1. Ellianor WILLIS b: 1655 in Middlesex VA
2. Richard WILLIS
3. John WILLIS b: 1658
4. Mary WILLIS
5. Thomas WILLIS b: 1660