NameRoger Fitzrichard , Lord Of Workworth 
Alias/AKARoger Of Warkworth FITZ RICHARD
Birthbef 1141
Deathaft 1185
Notes for Roger Fitzrichard , Lord Of Workworth
1st Lord of Warkworth, co. Northumberland.
Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (246D:26) calls him the 1st Lord of Warkworth, co. Northumberland and identifies ROGER & JANE as his parents.
Cristopher Nash posted to on 15 Dec 1997 Subject: FitzRichard/Lacy/Vere/Essex/Clavering/Bigod (in part): ". . . the earliest 'modern' source of the troubles: Burke's _Ext. &
Dorm. Peerages_ ('BED') under ('Clavering') 121, calls your man Roger FitzRichard; gives as parents RICHARD FITZEUSTACE [RIN 838] & wife (2d after Beatrice da. of Yvo de Vesci) ALBREDA da of ROBERT DE LIZURES [elsewhere Lizours] - giving as the latter Richard's parents EUSTACE FITZJOHN (s. of JOHN 'MONOCULUS' de Burgh, . . . " Nash goes on to explain that the preponderance of evidence does not support this theory and that Roger FitzRichard's parentage is best left as unknown: "Note that the CP XII 268-85 pedigree giving Eustace FitzJohn->Richard FitzEustace & Aubreye de Lisours->John, constable of
Chester->"second line of Lascy" is accepted in _Early Yorkshire Families_ (Yorks Arch Rec Ser. vol 135, pp 99-100 & chart fac. p. 99), in 1973 - but without giving Richard a son Roger etc (i.e. without the Warkworth line)."