NameAelfgar , Earl of East Anglia 
Birth1002, Mercia, England
Notes for Aelfgar , Earl of East Anglia
Aelfgar (E of East Anglia)
Per Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (1B:23), (176:2), (176A:3), he was Earl of East Anglia 1053, Earl of Mercia 1057, banished 1058.
According to ""A Genalogy of the Southworths (Southards), by Samuel G. Webber (1905) [GC 929.2 So 8766w] avail. at the Allen Co. Lib. in Ft. Wayne, IN : (footnote p. 432) "Leofric's son was Algar III, whose two sons were killed in contests against WILLIAM the Conquerer. His daughter and heiress, Lucy, obtained the parental estates and married Yvon Taylboys, earl of Angiers in France, and baron of Kendal. . . . gives her no children by Taylboys, but mentions children by her second and third husbands. . . . mentions a son, Eltret or Ughtud, living in 1106, as if he were the son of Yvon Taylboys. . . . Documents given by . . . confirm. Eltret's or Ughtud's son was Ketel or Chetel, whose son was Gilbert, whose son was William FitzGilbert.
LUCY (RIN 868), mentioned in the above note, however, is not recognized by modern genealogists as Aelfgar's dau. Her father is now simply given as "unknown".
Notes for Ælfgifu (Spouse 1)
Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (176A:3) gives no parents for her. She bore 4 known children to AELFGAR: sons Eadwine, Morkere, Burchard and a dau., ALDGYTH [EDITH].