NameEurbre Wyddel 
Notes for Eurbre Wyddel
Bartrum's "Welsh Genealogies".
"The Life of St. Cadog" adds: Briscethach begat Brusc, Brusc begat Urbf.... Thomas's "And Shall These Mute Stones Speak" argues that this was derived from a document that must have originally read something like "Urb f[ilii] Bruisc f[ilii] Echach," (i.e. Urb son of Brosc son of Eochaid), which became somewhat corrupted in copying and reversion; and that if Urb's descendant Anlach is taken to be king of (some of) the Irish (i.e. Deisi) in Britain rather than King of Ireland as he is actually called, and the "Corath" (RIN 6958) in the Dyfed pedigree is taken as actually an epithet of AED BROSC (RIN 6957) (as in one of the two MSS), then it would make good sense that URB was in fact a son of AED BROSC (RIN 6957), son of EOCHAID ALLMUIR (RIN 6959). But, ingenious as this explanation is, the chronology is impossible by at least a century, unless the main Dyfed pedigree is rejected as a pedigree (and this Thomas does, taking it to be mainly a king list, despite that Welsh king-lists of the period are absolutely unheard of).