Death28 Aug 388, Aquileia
Notes for Ceindrech
1. Owain Finddu*
Notes for Maxen Wledig (Spouse 1)
Macsen Wledig
"Magnus Clemens Maximus". He was a Spaniard who rose to power by his victories over the Picts in Britain, though Welsh pedigrees assert his descent in various ways from Constantine the Great. He came to rule much of southern Britain both as a Roman general and as king. In 383, he defeated the Roman Emperor Gratian and claimed the title for himself. He was recognized as Emperor by nearly all the Roman military beyond Italy as well as the Eastern Empeoror Theodosius, until, in 388, he was defeated by Valentinian II and executed. From this point until centuries later British history is very obscure and mostly lacking in contemporary sources. Maxen Wledig was a coveted ancestor who wrongly found his way into may pedigrees. Even the descents from him shown here are more or less legendary and unproven.
David Nash Ford wrote:
Barber & Pykett say Victorius, Antonius & Eugenius were sons of Magnus Maximus' first marriage to Ceindrech. Peblicus, Constaninus & Leo were from his second marriage to Helena. But I don't know where their info comes from. This would sort of mess things up with pedigrees through Helena (Elen). I tend to go by the JS MS20 pedigree IV and give Eugenius (Owain) to Ceindrech and the rest to Elen.