NameFergus Mor 
Notes for Fergus Mor
Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (170:2). (Stewart Baldwin) posted to GEN-MEDIEVAL-L on 26 Nov 1998
Subject: Llywelyn AT:
. "Although the later genealogies make Loarn a son of Erc, and brother of Fergus, ancestor of the later kings of Scotland, there is no good reason to believe that the supposed sibling relationship is historical"
the following is taken from an Internet posting of Michael R. Davidson of
Edinburgh. Scotland, on 23 Oct 1995: Fergus Mor, one of Erc's sons, is generally considered to be the earliest historically authenticated ancestor of the kings of Scotland, but it is just possible that Fergus had a father Erc who had a father Eochaid Munremar.
III. The Kings of Dal Riata
Here begins the historical section of this genealogy. For the most part, this has been summarized from relevant parts of Bannerman's _Studies in the History of Dalriada_, and Anderson's _Kings and Kingship in Early Scotland_. Dates may disagree slightly with other work; I have based my dates on the corrected chronology in the _Annals of Ulster_. I have retained the Irish forms of names, but translated eponyms in parentheses. The child marked with a * is the ancestor of the later persons in the genealogy. The order of the children by no means represents their order of birth, as this is impossible to determine.
Fergus Mor mac Erc ('Big Fergus', 'Great Fergus')
Like all those that appear in this genealogy, Fergus' birthdate is unknown. The _Annals of Ulster_ in 499 note "A battle in which Mac Erca was victory." This may or may not refer to Fergus. Annals record that he died in 501, and he was the father of at least one son, who succeeded him in the kingship.
1. *Domangart