NameMilesius , King of Spain 
Notes for Milesius , King of Spain
Courtesy of Michael R. Davidson of Edinburgh. Scotland, who posted this information to INTERNET on 23 Oct 1995.
I. The Prehistoric Section
From the seventh century onwards, Irish monks were involved in manufacturing a history for themselves to fill the gap between biblical history and (their) modern history. As a result, any competent medieval Irish historian could trace the supposed genealogy of any of the modern kings of Irish descent back to Adam, through fabulous, then biblical antecedents. This has been done, for interest's sake only, as this section has no historical reliability. I have, here, given the names as they appear in early Irish documents, and adopted, of the many possible versions, that from various sections of thetwelfth-century Irish manuscript known as Rawlinson B. 502.
[From Rawl. B. 502 115c21-39]
Adam. Seth. Enos. Cainan. Malalel. Iareth. Enoc. Methusalam.. Lamiach.
[From Rawl. B. 502 117g2-68] Noe. Iafeth. Gomer. Rifad. Esru. Sru. Iara. Ara. Aoy. Aboth. Aurtecht. Ethecht. Mair. Seim. Bainb. Thoe. Agnomain. Fetheoir. Lamfind. Glunfind. Foeniusa Farsaid. Niuil Nemnaig. Gaedail Glais. Ebir Scuitt. Noenail. Nuadat. Alldoit. Airceda. Deatha. Bratha. Bregain. Brige. Nemain. Bile. Miled. [The last is this individual] Erimoin. Ireoil Fatha. Ethreoil. Fallaig. Tigernmais. Senbotha. Smretha. Smirguill. Fiachach Labrinni. Oengusa Olmugaeda. Moen. Rechtada Rigdeirg. Demail. Dein. Sirnai. Aillella Oalchloen. Nuadat Find Fail. Aedain Glais. Sineoin Bricc. Muiredaig Bolcgraig. Fiachach Tolcrai. Duach Ladcra. Echach Buadaig. Augaine Mair. [From Rawl. B. 502 162d7-53] Cobthaich. Meilge. Irero. Conlaid. Ailella Casfiaclaich. Laebchuire. Fir Almaich. Fir Anaraith. Fir Raith. Fir Cetharraid. Echach Altlethain. Oengus Turbich Temra. Fiachach Fir Mara. Ailella Erann. Feradaig. Forggo. Maine. Airnnil. Rothrir. Triir. Rosin. Sin. Dedad. Eir. Ailella Ain. Eogain. Eterscela. Conaire Moir. Cairpre. Daire Dornmair. Cairpri Chrommchinn. Lugdach. Conair Caem. Coirpri Rigfota. Cintae. Guaire. Cincce. Feidelmid. Fiachach. Echdach. Achir. Find Feicce. Croithluithe. Cormaicc. Feideilmid. Oengusa. Feideilmid. Oengusa Fir.
1. Eber Find
2. Ir
3. Eremon
Notes for Scota (Spouse 1)
According to legend, she was a daughter of the Pharaoh, who gave her to MILESIUS as his second wife; and thus from the earliest times the Irish were called Scots after her, a name which was later applied specifically to the Irish settlers of Scotland, and finally to Scotland itself.