NameFiachu Sraiptine , King of Ireland 
Notes for Fiachu Sraiptine , King of Ireland
CGH, passim.
The first King of Connaught of his line.
The Four Masters reckon him as the 120th Monarch of Ireland as say that he died 322.
Notes for Aife (Of Gall-Gaedelu) (Spouse 1)
Ban Shenchus 178:15 identifies the mother of MUIREDACH as AIFI, daughter of the king of the Gall-gaeidelu (meaning, roughly, the Dano-Irish).
Luke Stevens comments:
Through a series of misunderstandings new links have been forged off of this. First, the king of the Gall-gaeidelu is made into Gaodhal, king of Gall, in O'Hart's "Irish Pedigrees". By the time this reached Wurts' "Magna Charta", this "king of Gall" had become a king of the Franks (invaders of Gaul at a much later time) who was son of king Marcomir IV of the Franks, by his wife Athildis, daughter of the British king. And from there all sorts of spurious lines are traced.
1. Muiredach Tirech
2. Domnall