NameHugh I de Lusignan , Count de la Marche 
Notes for Hugh I de Lusignan , Count de la Marche
Pere Anselme's "Histoire genealogique et chronologique de le maison royale de France".
The castle at Lusignan is said to be have been built by Raymond, a relative of the Counts POITIERS and his mythical wife, the spirit of the fountain of Lusignan. He broke his vow and spied her on a Saturday, to find that she had turned into a serpent from the waist down. She flew out of the castle window never to be seen again, but on the death of a member of the Lusignan family, she is heard crying out. Another source states she was a dau. of the fairy Pressine whom she had shut up in a mountain to avenge his wrongs, but he caste a spell that she should be metamorphosed every Saturday, unless and until she found an husband who would vow not to see her on Saturdays. This history is related at length with the adventures of Melusine's numerous progeny by JEAN d'ARRAS, in his chronique de la princesse, written in 1387 at the desire of JOHN Dk of BERRY, for the amusement of the duke and of his sister Marie of France, duchess of Bar. Some writers have supposed Melusine to be a corruption of mere Lucine, the deity invoked in childbirth, widow of a king of Jerusalem, and with Mevrant wife of GEOFFROI de Lusignan. Many of the Lusignan's have the soubriquet le Brun. Perhaps this indicates foreign (eastern?) blood.
HUGH I The Hunter; Sire of Lusignan in Poitiou and vassal of Counts of
Poitiers in the late 9th or 10th century. There is no evidence supporting
a link with the Merovingian dynasty as shown in the book The Holy Blood
and The Holy Grail.