NameIves I De Belleme , Count de Alcenon 
Deathaft 1005
Notes for Ives I De Belleme , Count de Alcenon
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners (360:36), calls him Ives de Creil & Belleme; Count of Alcenon and Domfort; had Alcenon and Belesme as a gift from RICHARD II, DUKE OF NORMANDY and Balistarius as a gift from LOUIS IV, KING OF FRANCE. Stuart shows him as the son of IVES and GEILE.
Turton's "Plantagenet Ancestry", has him as the son of Fulk, Lord of Belleme (RIN 4476*) and Rotasia [Turton calls her Rolais].
1. William de Belleme
2. Ives of_Alcenon
Notes for Godehilde (Spouse 1)
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners (360:36). Sister of Seinfroi, Bishop of Mans.
1. William de Belleme
2. Ives of_Alcenon