NameUnknown , Sire de Crepon
Notes for Unknown , Sire de Crepon
Tom Camfield posted to the soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroups on the Internet on 9 Sep 1996 : . . . last I'd heard it was pretty well accepted that Gunnora was a daughter of ------- de Crepon, b. ca. 911, Sire of Crepon, Forester of Equiqueville/Sechevile or some-such. I also have seen him described as a Danish or Viking Knight, also described as "Herfast the Dane" (which appears to have been a confusion with his son Herfast/Herfastus, brother of Gunnor/Gunnora). "Vaare forfedre," Mogens Bugge (Oslo, 1939) cites "Normandiets histore under de syv foerste hertuger 911-1066," J. Steenstrup (Copenhagen, 1925), in stating that "Gunnor may have been born ca. 950, and died 1030/31." I have encountered 1031 elsewhere as the year of her death.
1. Herfast de Crepon
2. Gunnora de Crepon
3. Avelina de Crepon
4. Wevia de Crepon
5. Senfrida de Crepon
Last Modified 24 Mar 2001Created 8 Mar 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh