Birthabt 990, Normandie, France
Death1038/1039, Normandie, France
BurialConches, Normandie, France
Notes for Godehut
See notes on her husband, ROGER. It has been speculated by some that ADELAIDE and Godehut were the same person, One name being the Norman one and the other the Spanish one.
Notes for Roger I (Spouse 1)
With his father, he was given partial custody of the castle of Tillieres in 1013/14. He was a haughty and powerful man - the banner brearer of all Normandy. He founded the abbey of Conches in 1035. While Duke ROBERT (RIN 1323) was away on pilgrimage, Roger went to Spain and had a distinguished career fighting the infidel there. While in Spain, he married [Etienette of Barcelona according to Cokayne's "Complete Peerage", but later research, as per below, indicates ADELAIDE OF BARCELONA], but left her behind when, due to the treachary of some of the natives, he had to leave Spain. When he returned to Normandy, he was furious to learn that the boy WILLIAM (RIN 798) has succeeded his father as Duke, declaring that a bastard ought not rule over him and other Normans. Roger immediately rebelled, ravaging the lands of his neighbors - particulary those of HUMPHREY DE VIELLES (RIN 1036). HUMPHREY's son, ROGER DE BEAUMONT (RIN 1033) killed Roger and two of his sons in battle in 1038/9.
There has long been controversy regarding Roger's Wife/wives as explained in the following notes:
According to Schwennicke's Europaische Stammtafeln Band III, teilband 4, page 705 Roger de Conches fathered all his children by his first wife NN of Barcelona, daughter of Ramon Borrell, Count of Barcelona, and Ermesinde de Carcassonne.
Cockayne's "Complete Peerage" (STAFFORD, p.168) identifies him as the father of ROBERT DE STAFFORD.
Todd A. Farmerie posted to the soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroup on 6 Dec 1995 :
Evans addressed this, in part, in an article (I think in the Genealogists Magazine) on Todeny of Belvoir. The CP account of the Barcelona family is off. The true known relationships are as follows:
. Roger of Borrell
. Bigorre of Barcelona
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. Bernard Roger Ermesende=Ramon Borrell
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. Estephania Berenguer Ramon I Adelaide
. =Garcia Sanchez =Sancha Sanchez ?=Roger de Toni
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. Ramon Berenguer I
Thus the following points can be made. Stephanie is a red herring. She was not daughter of Countess Ermesende, nor was she sister of Ramon Berenguer. Any chronological argument involving her can be rejected. Second, since Ermesende was grandmother of Ramon Berenguer, the wife could not have been both daughter of one and sister of the other. Either the chronicler was in error, confusing Berenguer Ramon with his son Ramon Berenguer, or there were two marriages involved, the solution proposed by Evans. The use by the Todeni of Belvoir family of the name Berenger de Todeni (also known as Berenger Hispina, a nickname I have seen elsewhere translated, I don't know how accurately, as "of Spain") suggested to Evans that this line descended from a Barcelona marriage, and he proposed that Roger de Toni married Adelaide, daughter of Ramon Borrell and Ermesende, while a kinsman, married her niece (perhaps named Stephanie) sister of Ramon Berenguer. (I don't have the reference handy, so I may have this confused in detail.) Note that any attempt to number the early Counts of Barcelona or Kings of Navarre will end in frustration. I have seen three different numbering systems for Barcelona, and I have seen this Garcia Sanchez called anything from III-V.
That is the long version. The short version is that this is one that still remains to be worked out. -------------------------------------------------
"Todd A. Farmerie" posted to on 5 Jan 1999 Subject: Re: MOTHER OF ADELIZA (ALICE) de TOENI: . "This remains difficult. (The following is from memory, but should give you some idea of the problem.) Roger was exiled, and ended up "crusading" in and around Barcelona. Sources from that area report that he married a (unnamed) daughter of the countess of Barcelona (widow of Ramon Borrell). Norman sources only show him married to a Godeheut, who as his widow remarried. What gives then? Was Adele his first wife and Godeheut his second? Was Godeheut the norman name for the Barcelona princess? Is the Barcelona search wrong in stating that they married? Helpful in solving the question would appear to be Berenger Hispina de Toeny. I think it safe to conclude that he owed his name to this marriage (and I have often wondered if Hispina wasn't a garbled 'of Spain'). Unfortunately, his parentage is also in question. A recent account of the Tosny family showed him as son of Roger and Adelaide, but Evans, in his paper of Todeny de Belvoir showed him as belonging to
that branch, and suggested that a second Toeny married down south. Keats-Rohan seems to accept the marriage, and that Adelaide was mother of Roger's children, but I will have to go back and reread the details to be more precise on her views."
1. Ralph_III de TOENI
2. Robert de STAFFORD
3. Adeliza de TOENI