Notes for Rolande
1. Nibelung I
2. Sigebert
Notes for Childebrand I (Spouse 1)
Per Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (173:42), he was Lord of Perracy and of Bougy, Count of Autun. Stuart calls hin the son of PEPIN OF HERISTOL and his concubine, AUPAIS. More recent scholarship, however, thinks it much more likely that Childebrand was CHARLES MARTEL's half brother maternally rather than paternally - i.e. ALPAIDA was his mother by an unknown father, not PEPIN.
Also mentioned Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (326:37). (Nathaniel Taylor) posted to on 13 Mar 1998
Subject: Re: Gallo-Roman ancestors of Charlemagne: . . "... Settipani does support the fraternity of Childebrand (founder of
the Nibelungs) and Charles Martel in "Prehistoire des Capetiens", 159-61. The two references linking Childebrand to Charles Martel and to Pippin the Short are found in the continuation of Fredegar's chronicle, and seem unequivocal: he is called Charles' 'germanus' and Pippin's 'avunculus'. 'Avunculus' has been made much of (bu Levillain & others, cited by Settipani), as suggesting that Childebrand could not have been an agnatic uncle of Pippin (i.e. son of Pippin II along with Charles Martel); however, Settipani argues (and I have been this argued recently in other cases by other scholars) that in this period 'avunculus' was not always just used for 'brother of mother' or 'uterine brother of father' but could also mean 'agnatic half-brother of father' or even 'full brother of father'. Settipani cites Levillain's article and discusses his objection to their *agnatic* fraternity, but if 'avunculus' can have been used more loosely (more loosely than 'germanus') then the identity seems plausible."
1. Nibelung I
2. Sigebert