NameMabel Paulene Chowning 
Birthabt 1913
DeathNov 2001
Notes for Mabel Paulene Chowning
I am from the line of Nathan Boone by daughter Melcina who married James H. Loyd. They had a daughter, Nancy Ann Elizabeth, who married William Alexander Chowning. They had a house full of daughters and one of them was my grandmother Mabel Paulene. She married Roy E. Dennis and thier daughter Adelle Dennis-Lockhart is my mother.My dad was Albert Barton Lockhart, my name is Elizabeth Paulann Lockhart-Wetzel-Wood-Drury. I was born 11-30-1931 in Amarillo Texas. Melcina is buried at Hog-eye Prarie near Jacksboro Texas. My mother died this past Nove. She was 88 yrs old. Let me hear from you. I need to know who James Loyds parents were if you have that info. Thanks, Bo Drury