NameDeborah Howell
Birth23 Aug 1691, Haverford, Chester Co., Pennsylvania
Death26 Jan 1759, Exeter Township, Berks Co., Pennsylvania
FatherWilliam Howell (1645-1709)
MotherMary Thomas (1648-1670)
Birth13 Jul 1690, Bradnich, Devonshire, England
Death20 Nov 1753, Exeter Twp., Berks County, Pennsylvania
FatherGeorge Boone III (1666-1744)
MotherMary Milton Maugridge (1669-1740)
Marriage7 Aug 1713, Abington, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania
ChildrenGeorge (1714-1737)
 Mary (1716-)
 Hannah (1718-1746)
 Deborah (1720-)
 Dinah (1722-)
 William (1724-1771)
 Josiah Noah (1726-1814)
 Jeremiah (1729-)
 Abigail (1732-)
 Hezekiah (1735-1823)
Notes for Deborah Howell
575She was a preacher of some note in the Friends Society. Below is given an account of her which was published in "The Friend" (h), Vol. 32, 1858-9, page 403:--
"DEBORAH BOONE was a daughter of William and Mary Howell, of Haverford, Chester County, Pa., and was born there 8 mo. 23 day 1691. (m) Her parents were valuable Friends, and were favored to see the fruit of their religious concern for their children's everlasting good. Among others of them who early in life submitted to the Cross of Christ, was Deborah, the subject of this notice. On the 20th of the 6th mo. 1713, she was married to George Boone. Some years after her marriage, a dispensation of the ministry of the gospel was committed to her. She was often led in her ministry to speak of the mercies and goodness of her Heavenly Father to her. Her appearances in the ministry were short and she seldom spoke, yet they were attended with life and received with love. At the first settling of Friends in the neighborhood of Exeter she and her husband removed there with their family. She was at times after this engaged with others in visiting the families of Friends, in which she was remarkably favored. She was of generous disposition and charitable to the poor. About a year before her decease she became, through weakness of the body, unable to attend meetings, and during this time of suffering she was preserved in patience. To some who visited her, she expressed much love for Friends, and her earnest desire for the prosperity of the truth in that newly settled and remote part of the world. She deceased 1st. mo. 26th day 1759, aged about 67 years."
Notes for George (Spouse 1)
433The will of George Boone IV, is recorded in Berks County, Pa., and reads as follows:--

Will of George Boone of Exeter.
Signed 11-18, 1753. Proven Dec. 24, 1753. (i)

In the name of God, Amen. I George Boone of Exeter in County of Berks, and Province of Pennsylvania Esq. Being sick and weak of Body but of Sound Mind (and) memory thanks be to Almighty God Therefore do make this my last will and Testament in form and manner as follows:--

In the first place my will and desire is that my just Debts Be all honestly Paid and that the Remainder
and Residue of my Estate to be Divided among my beloved wife and children in the manner follow:--
Viz:--I give and Bequeath Unto my beloved Sone William all that part of my lands and livings Lying
and being on the South Side of the Tullpahocan wagon road belonging to and appertaining to the old
plantation in Exeter and also one half part of all the mills and water works now on any part of said
premises; to have and to hold the Same Unto him and his assigns forever.

Secondly:-- I give and Bequeath Unto my Sone Hezekiah all that part of said old Plantation Lying and
being on the North Side of the said Tullpahocan wagon road and the other half part of all the mills and
water works thereunto belonging to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Thirdly:-- I give and Bequeath to my Beloved Sone Josiah the Sawmill in Robinson Township in Berks
aforesaid together with all the lands rights and Privileges thereto belonging to have to hold the Same
unto him his heirs and assigns forever.

Fourthly:-- I give and Bequeath Unto my Beloved Sone Jeremiah all that Plantation and Parcell of Land Called Andreew Sanduskies Situate in Amity Township to have and hold to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Fifthly:-- I give and Bequeath unto my three daughters Viz. Mary, Deborah and Dinah, to Have each and every of them the just sum of Fifty Pounds Currant lawful Money of Pennsylvania the same to be Unto them or their heirs within the Space of three years next after my Decease.

Sixthly:-- I give and Bequeath Unto my two little Grandchildren Viz:--George and Jane Hughes the issue of my Deceased Daughter Hannah the Sum of Seventy-five Pounds to be paid to each of them when they arrive at their proper ages and if either of them do not live till their proper ages then the same to go and be paid to the survivor of them.

Seventhly:-- I give and Bequeath Unto my Beloved Wife the Sum of Twelve Pounds to be paid Unto her yearly and Every year During her life the Same to be paid Unto her by my Sons William and Josiah and also the liberty of the use of the Best Room in the old house where she has had her Residence the Chiefest part of the time since it pleased God to couple us together likewise it is my will and desire that
my Sone William keep a Riding horse and Milch cow for her and find her as much firewood as is
necessary for her Winter and Summer During her Natural Life also Some Necessary household Goods, etc.

I do hereby nominate and appoint my four Sons Viz:-- William, Josiah, Jeremiah and Hezekiah Executors to this my Last Will and Testament Impowering them to make Sale of my lands all such as is my own and other lands in partnership with Richard Peters Gentleman together with all my stock movable and unmovable in order to pay my just debts and the legacies thereby Impowering them or any two of them to act do and perform this my last Will and Testament and after paying all just Debts legacies, etc., they my said executors to pay all mortgages due o?? becoming due on any of my lands Each and Every of them to pay a moity thereunto according to the Estates they hold if so be there is not sufficient without.

Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced and Delivered to be my last Will and Testament the eighteenth
Day of the 11th Month, 1753, In Presence of these the Subscribers.

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