NameWilliam Cherryholmes Jr. 43
Birthabt 1770, Rockingham, Co., Virginia
Death13 Mar 1833, Highland, Co., Virginia?745
FatherJohannes (Hans) Adam Biebel (1728-<1795)
MotherMaria Eva Margaretha Müller (<1735->1797)
Marriage27 Jun 1788, Shenandoah, Virginia745
Marr Memo24 Feb 1831??
ChildrenElizabeth (1792-<1888)
 Eve (>1789-1872)
Notes for William Cherryholmes Jr.
746[Recorded from Original Deed under Act of Assembly approved Nov 18th 1884]
Burnt Deed Book 4, p. 560 [Done December 1885 from the original]
This Indenture made the twenty-fifth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight-hundred and nineteen Between George Bible of Pendleton Co. and Commonwealth of Virginia, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Adam Bible Dec'd, late of Rockingham Co of the one part, and
William Cheryholmes of Rockingham County and Commonwealth aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of thirteen hundred and thirty three and one third dollars current money in hand paid
by the said William Cherryholmes at or before the insealing (?) and delivery of these presents. The receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged doth grant, bargain and sell and do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the aforesaid William Cherryholmes his heirs and assigns from all the right title and Interest of a certain Tract or parcel of land lying in Brock's Gap formerly the property of Adam Bible Dec'd containing about two hundred and twenty -nine acres, the Same being more or less in the said County of Rockingham lying in three small tracts adjoining each other, the first containing one hundred and eighty acres granted to Adam Bible by Patent bearing date the 20th or August 1787, and bounded as follows:
Beginning at a white-oak at the fork of the mountain thence North 13-E44 poles to a pine on James Baggs line and with said line S57 E44 poles thence S46 E70 poles to a black oak Baggs -?-?- thence South 46 E19 poles to a white oak thence S 22 1/2 E 44 poles to a white oak,Thence S17 E32 poles to
two pines, Thence S48 W20 poles to a white oak, Thence N72 W40 poles to a white oak near a branch, Thence N58 W329 poles to the Beginning. The second and third tracts to contain forty-nine acres. The second tract beginning at two pines and running with the old line S49 E135 poles to a
locust and white-oak sapling, Thence N39 E100 poles to a gum in the bank of the dry River and Thence with the same N57 W36 poles to a walnut, Thence N57 W26 poles to two pines in the water course, thence S79 W15 poles to a sycamore, thence S58 W12 poles to an ash in the river, thence S45 W20 poles
to a black oak,Thence S66 W32 poles to two white oaks, Thence N40 W45 poles to a white oak in the patent line and with the same S40 W19 poles to the beginning. The third tract begins at a Locust and white oak sapling a far-
- - corner and running S63 E20 poles to a white oak thence N39 E100 poles along a hill side to a chestnut oak in the patent line, Thence N13 W20 poles crossing a deep hole in the river,a small white pine in the old patent line on the bank of the river and with the same S39W 100 poles to the beginning. Together with all its appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said William Cherryholmes, his heirs and assigns forever to the sole use and behoof of him, the said William Cherryholmes and his heirs and assigns forever and the Said George Bible as Exec. of the last will and
testament of the aforesaid Adam Bible, Dec'd doth covenant with the said William Cherryholmes, his heirs and assigns that he will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid tract or parcel of land from all persons claiming or to claim and will forever warrant and defend the same in writing whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day
and date above written.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged
In the presence of his
George X Bible
and for said county do hereby certify that we saw George Bible sign, seal and heard him acknowledge the written deed and sale for real estate to William Cherryholmes and requested us to be certified by the Clerk of County Court of Rockingham. Given under our hands and seals this 25th day
of October 1819.
George Dove
Giles Turley
In the Clerk's office of the County Court of Rockingham, May 16th 1820, this deed from George Bible to William Cherryholmes was this day presented to one William Harmon, Deputy clerkof the Said county and having been acknowledged before two magistrates & certified is submitted to Record.
Last Modified 8 Jul 2002Created 8 Mar 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh