NameElizabeth Cassell
Birthbet 1707/1725
Birth7 Jul 1711, Stoak, Exeter, Devonshire, England
Death6 Aug 1745, Reading, Berks Co., Pennsylvania
Notes for Samuel (Spouse 1)
35Will of Samuel Boone. (b)
Signed 16 July, 1745; Probated 2 Sept., 1745.
In the Name of God Amen, I,
Samuel Boone of Exeter in Co. Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania being sick and weak in body but of sound Mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same do hereby make this my Last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke and disannull all other and former wills by me heretofore made either by word or writing Imprimis in the first place my Will is that all my just Debts be honestly paid by such money as shall arise from my Moveable Estate. Item and after all my Debts are paid my Will is that all ye Residue of my Estate both Reall and Personal shall be equally divided between my Wife Elizabeth and my four children in five equal shares bequeathing the one fifth of the whole unto my wife in lieu of her Thirds but if any one or more of the said Children dye before they arrive to their full age then such share or shares shall go equally amongst my survivors Item I give my son Isaiah unto my Brother John Boone to Live and remain under his Care and Tuition untill he arrive to ye age of Twenty one years Item I give my son Samuel unto my Brother James Boone to Live and Remain under his care and Tuition untill he arrive unto ye age of Twenty one years Item I give and Bequeath unto my Brothers John Boone and James Boone and to their heirs and assigns All that my Plantations and lands whereon I dwell also that moiety or part of Wm. Hughes land Lately so called Impowering them hereby to make sale of all and every part thereof and to put such Money as shall arise therefrom on Interest for the use of my children untill they arrive unto their full ages and my will is that my children be well learn'd out of their Interest Money Item I do nominate ordain and appoint John Boone and James Boone Exers. of this my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty five.
WM. I. TREBY (his mark)