NameMartin Crotsinger
Birth23 Jan 1774, Lebanon Twp, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania1104
DeathBET 12 DEC 1831 AND 21 MAY 1832, Orange Co., Indiana
Alias/AKAGroetzinger; Crutsinger; Krutsinger; Gretsinger; Crotsinger
FatherConrad Curtsinger (1735-~1804)
Birthbet 1775 / 1778, Pendleton Co., (W) Virginia
Deathbet 1830 / 1860, Indiana / (W) Virginia
FatherJacob Snyder (<1765-1833)
MotherSusannah [Unknown] (<1765-<1830)
Marriage22 May 1798, Rockingham, Co., Virginia1105
Notes for Martin Crotsinger
1105Gretsinger/ #3 Page 218 Family Tree Book RE FN: 488

From Garland Lacey:

"This day came Abraham Snider before me a justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid and made oath that his sister Elizabeth Snider who is about to be married to Martin Crotsinger is upwards of Twenty-One years of age and that there is no lawful cause to obstruct the issuing license for the solemnization of this marriage. Given under my hand this 22nd May 1798 /s/ A. Watson 22-May 1798 Bk 1, p 761
"Know all men by these presents, That we: Martin Crotsinger and Abraham Snider are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency, James Woods, esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth, and his successors, for the use of the Commonwealth, in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to which payment well and truly be made, we do bind ourselves, and every of us, our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally by these presents. Witness our hands and feals, this 22nd day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and 98. the condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas a marriage is shortly intended to be solemnized between the above Martin Crotsinger and Elizabeth Snider, daughter of Jacob Snider of Rockingham Co., if therefore these shall be no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
/s/ Martin Krutzinger
/s/Abraham Snyder
Reference: /


1105Will Book 1, pp. 67-68, Orange Co., Indiana "
A will. In the name of God amen. I Martin Cutsinger of the county of Orange and State of Indiana being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding, blessed be the almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz.
First all my just debts to be paid.
I do devise and bequeath unto my oldest son Jacob Cutsinger fifteen dollars for the balance of his legacy of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto Catharine Freit my daughter fifteen dollars for her legacy of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto Elizabeth Freit my daughter fifteen dollars for her legacy of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto my son Michael Cutsinger a certain track of land that he now holds a deed for as his legacy of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto my daughter Polly Sparling fifteen dollars as her legacy of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto my son William Cutsinger a certain young filly and saddle that is now in my possession as his part of the legacy that is now given to the balance.
I do devise and bequeath unto my daughter Sally Cutsinger sixty five dollars to make her legacy as much as the other girls of my estate.
I do devise and bequeath unto my youngest son Martin Cutsinger sixty five dollars to make his part of the legacy equal with other boys.
I also devise and bequeath unto my two youngest sons William and Martin Cutsinger the plantation where I now live to be equally divided between the boys by my executor giving William Cutsinger his part where I now live.
I also do devise and bequeath all the balance of my personal estate to be equally divided between three of my daughters namely Polly Sparling, Margaret Gammon, and Sally Cutsinger to be divided by my executor.
If the said Martin Cutsinger moreover appoint William Case and Michael Cutsinger my sole executors of this my last will and testament truly revoking all other wills by me made.
I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one.
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Martin Cutsinger to be his last will and testament in the presence of who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of us and each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses to the same.

/s/ Martin Cutsinger (Signature Illegible)

John X Mullary (?) Jacob Huffort" According to Garland Lacey this Krutsinger family spent some time in Greene Co., TN, very close to the NC border. Martin lived on Pigeon Creek which leads from the county seat.)


1. Jacob C. Krutsinger b: 28 FEB 1791 in North Carolina - Green Co., Tennessee border area
2. Anna Krutsinger b: 1796
3. Mary Krutsinger b: 1800 in Green Co., Tennessee
4. Catherine Elizabeth Krutsinger b: 15 APR 1801 in Tennessee, USA
5. Michael M Krutsinger b: 08 OCT 1806 in Green Co., Tennessee
6. Elizabeth Krutsinger b: 17 JUL 1809 in Tennessee, USA
7. Margaret Krutsinger b: 15 MAY 1812 in Green Co., Tennessee
8. William B. Krutsinger b: 22 JAN 1815 in Kentucky, USA
9. Sarah Krutsinger b: BEF 1820
10. Martin Krutsinger b: 09 JUL 1822 in Orange Co, Indiana, USA
Notes for Elizabeth (Spouse 1)
possible link:


1. Jacob C. Krutsinger b: 28 FEB 1791 in North Carolina - Green Co., Tennessee border area
2. Anna Krutsinger b: 1796
3. Mary Krutsinger b: 1800 in Green Co., Tennessee
4. Catherine Elizabeth Krutsinger b: 15 APR 1801 in Tennessee, USA
5. Michael M Krutsinger b: 08 OCT 1806 in Green Co., Tennessee
6. Elizabeth Krutsinger b: 17 JUL 1809 in Tennessee, USA
7. Margaret Krutsinger b: 15 MAY 1812 in Green Co., Tennessee
8. William B. Krutsinger b: 22 JAN 1815 in Kentucky, USA
9. Sarah Krutsinger b: BEF 1820
10. Martin Krutsinger b: 09 JUL 1822 in Orange Co, Indiana, USA
Last Modified 31 May 2009Created 8 Mar 2016 using Reunion for Macintosh