NameRebecca Mouse 
BirthMar 1841, Pendleton Co., (W) Virginia
Deathabt 1919, Harman, Randolph Co., West Virginia
BurialYokum Cemetery, Randolph Co., West Virginia
1643Lynda Blakley
2005-02-21 06:59:05
Pendleton Times, February 26, 1926:
Harman, W. Va. Feb. 21, 1926 --- We announce with deepest regret the death of another of our Civil War Veterans, Mr. Adam Yokum who died on Feb. 14th, 1926. Age 84 yrs., 9 mo., 7 da. Interment was made at the family Cemetery on Monday Feb. 15th. along the side of his wife who preceded him seven years.
Mr. Yokum was united in marriage to Rebecca Mouse, and to this union were born seven children; a daughter, Anzina (who was the wife of Harris Harman and died several years ago) and six sons, viz: Jasper, J. Michael, and Walter, of Harman, Daniel and Esten, of Mouth of Seneca; and Dennis of Dry Fork, W. Va., all of whom survive him.
He also leaves to mourn his loss, one brother, George W. Yokum and three sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Sites, Mrs. Frances Stump and Mrs. Mahala Stump, all of Grant county. Also he leaves fourteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren and seven great-great-grandchildren. Since marriage Mr. Yokum has lived near Harman, and for the past several years has been a faithful member of the Presbyterian church.
When the civil war broke out he joined the Union army, belonged to Company I. 7th Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Infantry and served throughout the war and attained the rank of 1st Sergeant. He was engaged in many battles of Bull Run and Chancellorsville.
Mr. Yokum was a very industrious and successful farmer and accumulated sufficient amount of this world's wealth to give his sons a very nice start in life, and since uniting with the church he has been a very liberal giver to educational and religious institutions.
By one of his many friends.