NameHannah [Lambert] 263
Birth15 Mar 1755, Fredrick, Washington Co., Maryland
Deathbet 1839 / 1834
FatherJohn Lambert Sr. (~1736-1804)
Notes for Matthias (Spouse 1)
263This Matthias enlisted in U.S. Army in April, 1779.He first married Hannah _____. About 1790 he and his brothers James B. and Abraham moved to Clark County, Kentucky.He changed his residence to Madison County, Kentucky,where he remained the rest of his life.On July 7, 1834,Matthias Lambert made application for pension for his military service.He married his last wife,Elizabeth Williams,and to this union were born four sons, namely,John,Solomon,James B.,and Andrew.According to an old record,three of the sons of Matthias moved to Missouri about 1820.Andrew stayed in Kentucky and married Polly Hawkins.They had seven children..........

Page 145, HISTORY OF THE LABERT FAMILY,"He (((Abraham))) witnessed the application that his brother, Matthias, made for a pension in 1832." (((Now under the heading LINE OF MATTHIAS LAMBERT, this book states Matthias did not make application for a pension until July 7, 1834, for serving in the Revolutionary War. Now I beleive 1832 is misprint and should read 1834. That is the only logical answer I could come up with. What do you think?))) [Stephen Smith]

"State of Kentucky ))
Madison County ))
On this 7ty day of July 1834, personally appearred in open court before the worshipful, the couty court of Madison now setting, Matthias Lambert, a resident of Madison County, State of Kantucky, aged 79 years on the ninth day of March last, who first being duly sworn, according to law,-doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7, 1832. Thaat he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated. He served his first tour of three months under Capt. Robert Aravens, Col. Nevill, Lieut. Jno. Pringle. He entered the service as a drafted militiaman in the month of April, as well as he can recollect, in the year 1779, and was discharged about the last of June or 1st of July of the same year. In the course of six or eight months after his discharge, he enlisted for three months under Captain Andrew Johnson, but served six months before he was discharged, in the Regt. of the Virginia line under the following officers:-Lieut. Isaac Hinkle, Ensign David Maxwell, Col. or Gen. Scott. He resided in Augusta County, Virginia at the time he was drafted, and also at the time of !
his enlistment. He in the first place was marched from Augusta County, to the barracks at Winchester, from thence to Rocky Hill, South Carolina, from thence to North Carolina, and from thence back to Winchester, Virginia. This was during his tour as a Militiaman. He was also marched from Augusta County, Virginia, to Winchester, where he enlisted, and remained there the whole of the six months to keep garrison. Col. Neville of the continental line commanded at Winchester. He has no documentary evidence, and knows of no person whose testimony he can procure, who could testify as to his services, except Samuel Morton of Madison County, Kentucky, and Abraham Lambert, of Hardin County, Kentucky. He was born in the state of Maryland near Fredrickburg on the 15th day of March 1755-He has his father's bible with his age recorded in it now at his residence. He continued to reside in August County, Virginia, for several years after the Revolutionary War, then moved ....
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