NameWinfield Scott Phillips
Birth10 Aug 1859, Tucker Co., (W) Virginia1776
Death14 Oct 1941, Ada Co., Idaho
Death Memod. St. Maries, Benewah Co., Idaho
Alias/AKAW. S. Phillips; W. Scott Phillips
5Amelia Gay Pritchard was raised by Hannah Columbia Kelley Phillips and Winfield Scott Phillips, who took her to Oregon, so that her father never again saw her. Hannah Kelley was born March 17, 1863 to Elias Kelley and Katherine McGee in Phillipi, West Virginia. They were married January 22, 1854, Phillipi, Barbour County, (West) Virginia. She died July 13, 1936 in Ada County, Idaho, age 73. She and Winfield Scott Phillips were married November 10, 1885, according to notes in the Jacob Nester book. Scott Phillips's death certificate from Ada County, Idaho states that he was born August 10, 1859 in Tucker County, West Virginia and died in Ada County on October 14, 1941. He is NOT to be confused with Scott Phillips buried in Nestorville Cemetery, data sent via email by Sharon Stalker ( on June 25, 2005.
Joyce Van Nocker <> sent email stating that the will of Aaron Phillips dated 1890 mentions Scott Phillips in Barbour County Wills as an administrator of his will. This Scott Phillips is NOT Winfield Scott Phillips who married Hannah Kelley.