NameUnknown Huber 
Notes for Michelle (Spouse 1)
Saturday, May 22, 2010 7:12 PM
Michelle Huber
Craig Snyder <>
I am also a Snyder /Cooper
My name is Michelle Cooper Huber, I am the great great granddaughter of Captain Sampson Snyder and Eizabeth
Bonner Snyder, my great grandparents were Carrie Snyder Cooper and Jacob Cooper, and My grandparents were Sampson Cooper and Grayce Shears Cooper.
I was on your web site and found it interesting I am sure that you would be interested to know that my grandparent lived on the Sampson Snyder Farm and built a house there next to the family cemetary, when I was very youg I lived there
in the little house, at that time my uncle Paul (my granfathers brother) was farming the land. The house still stands but it is not safe to go into anymore. I spent many hours in the spring room of that grand old house as it was the coolest room to be in when it was very hot outside.
I was always in awe if the back stairway which is located
behind the family in the photo in your picture.
There are many things about that house that are and where grand. If you would like to know more about my family let me know. I grew up there and spent alot of time chasing the sping lambs and eating the fresh mint that grows next to the cattle guard.
I love my family history and take great pride in it.
Michelle Cooper Huber