NameMagdalene Reprecht 
Birth1830, Hohenzollern , Germany
Birth30 Dec 1830, Wurtemberg, Germany
Notes for David (Spouse 1)
David Rukgaber DAVID RUKGABER, of Mt. Pleasant, a son of Joseph and Mary (Baur) Rukgaber was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 30, 1830, and is one of a family of five children. The family history is given under the name of Charles B. Rukgaber. Joseph Rukgaber departed this life in 1845, in Germany, and in 1857 Mrs. Rukgaber emigrated to America, locating in Mt. Pleasant, at which place she still resides. The family are members of the Catholic Church. David Rukgaber is a well-educated man, having received a liberal education while in Germany. At the age of twenty he enlisted in the German army, serving for six years. After being discharged he immediately came to America in 1858, and located at Mt. Pleasant, and in 1859 he led to the marriage altar Miss Magdalene Ruprecht, who was also a native of Germany, born in Hohenzollern in 1830. He farmed until 1861, when at the breakĀing out of the Rebellion, Mr. Rukgaber enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was mustered into service at Mt. Pleasant. The regiment then went to St. Louis, where they were armed and equipped, remaining there three weeks. It then proceeded to Springfield, Mo., was in the raid after Price, and was in several skirmishes and fought in the engageĀments at Guntown, Tupelo, Holly Springs, and other places. The regiment was afterward made a part of Grant’s army, and was at the siege of Vicksburg. Mr. Rukgaber served four years, but was mustered out at Memphis, before the remainder of his regiment, on account of losing his sight. He was a brave soldier, always at his post, never shirking his duty though danger threatened on every side. The Government has awarded him a pension of $30 per month for the injuries he sustained. He is a member of the McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., taking an active interest in all work pertaining to the order. Mr. and Mrs. Rukgaber have the respect and good-will of all. They have a family of five children: Mary, now the wife of Lewis Scheuneman, a resident of Mt. Pleasant; Amelia, Bertha, Otto A. and Willie. The parents are members of the Catholic Church. In politics he is a Republican. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 243-244) (JC)