NameAnne Eugenia Pifer 
Notes for Anne Eugenia Pifer
Anne Eugenia Pifer, daughter of Lloyd and Anne A Parsons Pifer, was born in St. George, West Virginia. When her mother became aware of the fact that she could not live to bring up her daughter, she requested Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman to give her precious child a home; she was a very dear friend of the family and she knew vhe kind, worthy people would rear her properly, and educate her. They cast their "bread upon the waters," but it has been returned tenfold. She has been a true daughter; she cared for them until they passed away. She now resides in Parsons, West Virginia.
Family Record of Anne E. Pifer Hulings.
Born. Married. Died.
James Hulings May 15, 1885
Anne EJugenia Hulings James Hulings
Anne Eugenia Hulings Aug. 11, 1867
Hazel Elizabeth Hulings Feb. 1^ 1886