NameClifford Carr 
Notes for Clifford Carr
Dear Craig,
I found your email address on rootsweb and I hope you don't mind me emailing you. The tree you posted on rootsweb has been instrumental in filling in huge blanks in our family tree.
My father, Clifford, is a Carr. His father was George Washington Carr, son of James Burley and Mahala. I was wondering if you happen to have any information on George's second wife, Goldie Gertie White? This is my paternal grandmother. The only information I have is that she was born in 1915 and died in 1977. I also know that her parents were Archie Earl White and Cora Agnes Moats of Union (Aurora) WV. According to my father she had a brother named Arnold. I haven't been successful in finding marriage or birth records for Goldie or Arnold. I was hoping you might have some other information that would be helpful.
Thank you so much for any help you could lend! I, of course, am more than happy to give you other information on the children of George and Goldie Gertie.
Best Regards,