663John Bruen, New London, s. of Obadiah, by w. Esther had Eleazer, Joseph, and John, but prob. some, perhaps all, b. after his rem. to Newark; d. a 1696, when the Lords proprs. made gr. of ld. to his wid. OBADIAH, Gloucester, came, 1640, prob. with Rev. Richard Blinman, had first set them down at Marshfield, and ask. for adm. as freem. of Plymouth jurisdict. Mar. 1641, but speedily went to the opposite side of the Bay. He was freem. 19 May 1642; selectman in 1642, and sev. foll. yrs. and rep. 1647, 8, 9, and 51, in wh. last yr. with his spiritual guide he rem. again to New London, there was town clk. 15 yrs. often rep. and in nam. in the royal chart. 1662; but hav. purch. 11 June 1667, with assoc. the ld. in N. J. now the city of Newark, he rem. thither, where the fam. has always flour. He was youngest s. of John B. Esq. of Bruen Stapleford, Cheshire, bapt. 25 Dec. 1606, at Tarves, near [[vol. 1, p. 281]] Chester, bec. a draper at Shrewsbury in the adjoin. Co. Salop, had brot. w. Sarah and ch. Mary and here had Rebecca; Hannah, b. 9 Jan. 1644; and John, 2 June 1646. The time of his d. is unkn. but he was alive 1680. In spel. the name slight variety occurs. A let. of 11 Oct. 1679 to his d. and her h. at New London, from Newark, to tell of the d. of their min. the first Pierson, is sign. Ob. Brewen, but by the w. Sarah Bruen. His d. Mary m. 1653. John Baldwin of Milford, as his sec. w.; Hannah m. 1663, John Baldwin of Milford, s. of the h. of her sis. but perhaps d. soon, as he is said to have d. on a voyage unm. but it may be that her h. was ano. of the frequent Johns; Rebecca m. 1663, Thomas Post of Norwich, as his sec. w. Rev. Matthias, b.