NamePayne (Peganus) De Beauchamp 
Birthabt 1118, Hereford, Buckshire, England
Birthabt 1070, Hedingham, Essex, England
Notes for Payne (Peganus) De Beauchamp
aka Pagan
Richard Borthwick posted to soc.genealogy.medieval on 26 Jan 1997:
Subject: Re: The Beauchamps Followup #1 (in part): "Saunder's *English Baronies* pp.10-12 discusses the barony of
Bedford. . . Robert d. before 1137 (i.e. before Simon I) and his sons Miles (d. at some time after 1142) and Payn (d.1156) succeeded in turn to the barony."
The "Homer Beers James Genealogy" on the WWW adds: Ancestor of the Beauchamps of Bedford, that barony having been
conferred upon him by King William Rufus.
Some sources, including James (above) show Payn as a son, rather than grandson, of HUGH DE BEAUCHAMP.
Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (Essex, p.116), identifies him as Rohese's 2nd husband.
Notes for Roheise (Roesia) (Spouse 1)
Beatrice (Beatrix) (Ghent) Gand