NameRacul “Raoul” De Lusignan , Count of Eu 
Notes for Racul “Raoul” De Lusignan , Count of Eu
Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (123:28).
Cockayne's "Complete Peerage" (EU, p.160-165). He became Count of Eu and lord of Hastings by his marriage to the heiress ALICE. An irronconcilable emnity was created between KING JOHN (RIN 785) of England and the family of de Lusignan when THE KING humiliated Raoul's nephew, HUGH X, COUNT OF LA MARCHE and later of ANGOULEME, by setting aside his own wife and marrying HUGH's fiancee, ISABELLA, heiress of the county of Angouleme. KING JOHN confiscated all Lusignan lands in England. He granted Raoul's lands to his wife's nephew, John. When John died in 1207, KING JOHN kept control of them until 1214, in which year he led an army into Poitou and attacked the Lusignans, but finally came to terms with them. Raoul was promised restoration of the estates of Hastings and Tickhill. He was also to recieve an annual payment of money to recompense him for the loss of his lands in Normandy [i.e. the county of EU] until such time as KING JOHN should win them back from PHILIP AUGUSTUS, KING OF FRANCE (RIN 3163). PHILIP's victory at the battle of Bouvines in July of that same year ended the immediate prospect of this taking place. Raoul's widow recovered EU from PHILIP shortly after Raoul's death by payment of a 15,000 marks of silver.
1. Raoul* d'Exodun
2. Maud de LUSIGNAN
3. Jehanne* Dame_de_Criel
Notes for Alice (Spouse 1)
1. Raoul* d'Exodun
2. Maud de LUSIGNAN
3. Jehanne* Dame_de_Criel