NameLambert , Count of Hornbach 
Notes for Lambert , Count of Hornbach
On 15 Dec 1997, Todd Farmerie posted the ancestry of TERESA ALFONSO (RIN 2401) based on the latest research. This generation is confirmed in that posting. Farmerie says he fl. 760-783. He identifies him as the possible father of WITIBURGA. He does not identify Lambert's parents.
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (265:44) & (330:42), Turton, & Moriarity all give a COUNT GUI (occ 706-722) as his father. Stuart says he was liv. 760-783.
Maurice Chaume, in Table 4 of v.4 of "Les origines du duche de Bourgogne" (Dijon, 1925-31), refers to him as "count, ca 750", but tentatively gives his father as Nantier I (RIN 6655*).
Stewart Baldwin (in a posting to soc.genealogy.medieval on 21 Jul 1997) suggests that The reason that Chaume conjectured Lambert I as a son of Nantier I is presumably the fact that Lambert's son Gui was described as "unus de stirpe Wernarhii"
1. Count_Guido
2. Witburga