NameCount Gui 
Notes for Count Gui
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (330:43), says he occ 706-722 and has him as son of LIUTWIN and father of LAMBERT.
Maurice Chaume, in Table 4 of v.4 of "Les origines du duche de Bourgogne" (Dijon, 1925-31), calls him Gui, 782, 796, "unus de stirpe Wernarhii", and has him as son of LEUTWINUS [same as Stuart's LUITWIN], and brother of ROTROU and of the unnamed tentative wife of GARNIER. Chaume, however, does not show LAMBERT, COUNT OF HORNBACH, as his son. [He has Gui's nephew, NANTIER I (RIN 6655*) as LAMBERT'S father.