NameDale Leo Cochrell 
Birth24 Jul 1938, Orofino, Clearwater Co., Idaho
Birth24 Oct 1938, Clarkston, Asotin Co., Washington
Marriage21 Nov 1959, Clarkston, Asotin Co., Washington
Notes for Dale Leo Cochrell
350Bonnie M. Snyder Weds D. Cockrell
By Mrs. Fred Wolfe
Weippe--An evening ceremony at the First Christian Church parsonage at Clarkston November 21 united in marriage, Miss Bonnie Marie Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, Weippe and Dale L. Cochrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cochrell of Greer. Rev. Russell Myers, Church pastor, officiated. The bride was attired in a two-piece pale blue dressmaker suit with black accessories. The bride's cousin, Miss Linda Snyder was her attendant and Gary Bennett served as best man. Following the ceremony the couple left for Kennewick, Washington where he is employed by a trucking firm. He is a 1957 graduate of W.H.S. and was discharged this summer from the Army. The bride is a graduate of Pierce High School and was a sophomore honor music student at the U of I.
The new Mrs. Cochrell was guest of honor at a bridal shower at the Weippe IOOF Hall December 10. The hall was decorated with a Christmas theme, with small-lighted Christmas trees on either side of the lace covered gift
table. Mrs. Carol Quigley assisted at the gift table and Miss Linda Snyder was in charge of the guest book. Refreshments were served to the 63 guests present by the hostesses Mrs. Louise Wilson: Mrs. Marie Vanderpool,
Mrs. Jean Thompson, Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Mrs. Carol Quigley, Mrs. Arlene Vanderpool, Mrs. Eva Wolfe and Mrs. Lily Thiessen. Mrs. Iola Pease, Mrs. Alice Fry, Mrs. Darlene Baney, Mrs. Carol Quigley, all of Headquarters and Mrs. Viola Aggar of Lewiston were out-of-town guests.
Copied April 1, 2008 by Juanita Steadman Cochrell Gets Out Of Demolished Car
Dale L. Cochrell, 18. Weippe high school graduate last spring, escaped what might have been fatal burns when he crawled out of a burning car a quarter-mile from Highway 11 last Thursday morning. Cochrell, in a freak accident, found himself out across a 40-acre farm deep in the woods and underbrush after apparently dozing at the wheel three miles west of Weippe about 3:30 am. Deputy Sheriff Clyde Pryor said that Cochrell's foot might have been jammed down on the gas pedal after the car jumped a ditch, tore across two farm fields, sheered into a wooded area and ended up setting fire to some brush and logging windfalls a quarter mile from the roadway. The auto finally came to rest on the Vergie Perkins farm and the youth regained consciousness when the flames grew hot. He crawled to Mrs. Perkins house and she called his home. CTPA fire equipment was summoned from Schmidts mill and from Weippe to put out the fire. Sheriff Fred Pomeroy said that Pryor did not issue a citation as the young man left to return to the army.
The 1956 sedan was demolished.
Copied March 27, 2008 by Juanita Steadman
Notes for Bonnie Marie (Spouse 1)
350Bonnie M. Snyder Weds D. Cockrell
By Mrs. Fred Wolfe
Weippe--An evening ceremony at the First Christian Church parsonage at Clarkston November 21 united in marriage, Miss Bonnie Marie Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, Weippe and Dale L. Cochrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cochrell of Greer. Rev. Russell Myers, Church pastor, officiated. The bride was attired in a two-piece pale blue dressmaker suit with black accessories. The bride's cousin, Miss Linda Snyder was her attendant and Gary Bennett served as best man. Following the ceremony the couple left for Kennewick, Washington where he is employed by a trucking firm. He is a 1957 graduate of W.H.S. and was discharged this summer from the Army. The bride is a graduate of Pierce High School and was a sophomore honor music student at the U of I.
The new Mrs. Cochrell was guest of honor at a bridal shower at the Weippe IOOF Hall December 10. The hall was decorated with a Christmas theme, with small-lighted Christmas trees on either side of the lace covered gift
table. Mrs. Carol Quigley assisted at the gift table and Miss Linda Snyder was in charge of the guest book. Refreshments were served to the 63 guests present by the hostesses Mrs. Louise Wilson: Mrs. Marie Vanderpool,
Mrs. Jean Thompson, Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Mrs. Carol Quigley, Mrs. Arlene Vanderpool, Mrs. Eva Wolfe and Mrs. Lily Thiessen. Mrs. Iola Pease, Mrs. Alice Fry, Mrs. Darlene Baney, Mrs. Carol Quigley, all of Headquarters and Mrs. Viola Aggar of Lewiston were out-of-town guests.