NameKelly Scharnhorst 
Notes for Kelly Scharnhorst
For those who may not have heard, our cousin Kelly Kalmbach, who is a State Trooper for the State of Washington, encountered a dangerous situation this last week. She pulled over a motorist for DUI and ended up being shot by him. If you'd like to read the news report for yourself, you can click on the attached link. She spent 7 hours in surgery Wednesday morning, and will recover completely from her wounds, but I'm sure she would appreciate any words of encouragement, cards, or flowers, you may desire to send her. Her address is:
Kelly Kalmbach, 23615 Country Drive, East; Graham, Washington 93338.
(For those who may not know, Kelly is Jeanne Salisbury's daughter and granddaughter to Gordon, and the late, Mid Rosenau).
From: [] On Behalf Of Jack Jordan
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [adonijah] File - A Family Group Sheet.doc