NameElizabeth Muscoe 
Birthabt 1680, England
Death23 Apr 1736, Essex Co., Virginia
Birthbetween 1679 & 1683, Gloucester, Virginia
Death1743, St. Ann's Par, Essex Co., Virginia
Marriage1704, St. Ann's Par, Essex Co., Virginia
Notes for Elizabeth Muscoe
Elizabeth MUSCOE [abt 1680-1750] who married Thomas GARNETT [1675-1748] before 1700 and lived in St. Anne, Essex County. They had at least seven children: Anthony; John; Anne; Sarah; James; Mary and Thomas Jr. all born at Gloucester County, Virginia between 1700 and 1713. Two other children, Joyce and Avey GARNETT who both married into the ANDREWS family are sometimes attributed to this family as well---but I am skeptical that they were the children of this particular Thomas and Elizabeth GARNETT because these two daughters were born in 1724 and 1725 [eleven years after the last of the other children] when Elizabeth Muscoe GARNETT would have been in her mid-forties.
aka: Elizabeth Musgrove??
Notes for Thomas (Spouse 1)
Note: GARNETT, Thomas [1675-1748] Thomas GARNETT, son of John GARNETT, was probably born in Kingston Parish, Gloucester County. He died in St. Anne's Parish, Essex County. In a deed dated June 8, 1709 recorded in the Essex County Deed Book [Number 13, page 225] the grantor of the deed, Thomas GARNETT of St. Anne's Parish, Essex, a planter, is described as "one of the sons and devisees of John GARNETT late of the Parish of Kingston in the County of Gloucester". In consideration of 3,500 pounds of tobacco, Thomas Garnett conveys unto John Foster 50 acres of land on the south side of the Rappahannock River, being p art of a tract of 600 acres purchased by John Garnett, deceased. The deed conveys fifty acres of land which was part of a 600 acre tract purchased by t he "above said John Garnett, deceased, from John Baker"... being a corner tree to a tract of land of six hundred acres purchased by Jno Garnett father of s aid Thomas Garnett from John Baker". The 50-acre parcel of land deeded to John Foster extended "to a branch issuing out of Gilson's Swamp thence along a line of marked trees to a path that leads from Foster's old plantation to Moseley's Quarter, so across said path to a marked red oak standing at the head of a branch". Thomas Garnett's rights to sell this parcel of land to John Foster is explained through the following description of how the land evolved to Thomas from his father John Garnett. "One hundred and fifty acres of land part of the aforesaid six hundred acres the said John Garnett did by his last w ill and testament bearing date of the twelfth day of November one thousand seven hundred and three [November 12, 1703] give to his son Anthony Garnett, he the said Anthony dying before he came to the age of twenty and one years, the fifty acres of land here conveyed doth now of right belong to the above Thomas Garnett relation being had to the aforesaid last will and testament may more fully and at large appear". Elizabeth, wife of the said Thomas Garnett, relinquished her dower in the conveyed land. The transaction was dated June 8, 1709. Consideration of 3,500 pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco. Thomas Garnett, the grantor, also made bond in the sum of 7,000 pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco, that he would observe the covenants of his said deed. He again recited in the bond that he was "one of the sons and devisees of John Garnett late of the Parish of Kingston in the County of Gloucester within the Colony aforesaid." Apparently, the acquisition of the Rappahannock land was the cause of Thomas Garnett's relocation from Gloucester to Essex County. Thomas GARNETT was married to the former Elizabeth MUSCOE, the daughter of Salvator MUSCOE Sr., an Italian stonecutter. Salvator Muscoe had moved to London, England after the great fire of 1666 had destroyed much of the city. His skill as a stonecutter was employed in the rebuilding of the city and he worked under the direction of Sir Christopher Wren in the construction of St. Paul's Cathedral. Salvator Muscoe Sr. emigrated from London to Virginia in about 1685 and was a neighbour to one of the GARNETT families then living in the colony. His daughter Elizabeth Muscoe married Thomas Garnett, and his grand daughter; another Elizabeth Muscoe [daughter of Salvator Muscoe Jr.] married Captain James GARNETT. The will of Thomas GARNETT, dated October 2 0, 1743, and recorded for probate in the 1748 Will Book for the county of Essex [Book #7, page 60] recites the following bequests: "Having several small children it is my will that my wife, Elizabeth, have the use of my estate during her natural life for support of my said children". The will names the 8 children of Thomas GARNETT as: John, Anne, Sarah, James, Joyce, Mary and Avey, and Thomas GARNETT. The will of Thomas GARNETT [written and dated on October 20, 1733] was witnessed by Salvator Muscoe,